We aspire to keep community at the heart of Flamborough School, where every member knows that they belong to our family.
God enables us to grow together in love and learning. We strive for academic excellence through a respect for learning and develop resilience to face all challenges. Guided by our faith, we develop responsibility to ourselves, others and the world.
Our vision is founded on Matthew 13: 1-23 The Parable of the Sower; having a strong faith in God and remaining dedicated to a Christian life allows us to flourish and grow.

Recognising its historic foundation, our school will preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England and in partnership with St Oswald’s Church and the Diocese of York.
Collective Worship is at the heart of Flamborough School. We work closely with the members of Flamborough Methodist Church and St Oswalds Church, who conduct collective worship once a week on specific themes chosen. We have collective worship every day which is underpinned by Bible story. The Collective worships includes a hymn or song, a section from the Christian Values and Roots and Shoots programme and a prayer with time for reflection.
We hold all end of term services at St Oswalds where parents are invited and a special programme is put together.
On the 23rd May 2016 we had our SIAMs inspection which gave us a GOOD in all areas and our latest inspection on 25th June 2024 found that the school was living up to its foundation as a church school. …”the language of the vision is accessible to all and underpins the work of the school. It enables adults and pupils to grow and flourish together through nurturing relationships.”
Click on the links below for the Diocese of York website and St Oswald’s Church website
Collective Worship Leaders
Here are our collective worship leaders. They were voted for by the children in their classes as they are considered to be children who lead by example and show a commitment to the Christian values we consider to be important.
They lead collective worship and help to ensure that our Christion vision of ‘Growing with God and striving for Excellence’ underpins all we do in school.

The Parable of the Sower
The Parable of the Sower was told to the crowd that had gathered around Jesus. Jesus tells the story of a sower who scattered seeds on four different types of soil. The first type of ground was hard and the seed could not sprout or grow at all and became snatched up instantly. The second type of ground was stony. The seed was able to plant and begin to grow, however, it could not grow deep roots and withered in the sun. The third type of ground was thorny and although the seed could plant and grow, it could not compete with the number of thorns that overtook it. The fourth ground was good soil that allowed the seed to plant deep, grow strong, and produce fruit.
Jesus used this parable to explain to his followers and the disciples how there are different responses to the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ. The sower in the parable is Jesus and the seed is the word of God (both Jesus’s spoken word and today the Bible). The hard ground represents someone with a hardened heart full of sin that hears the word of God but does not accept it. Satan is able to keep this person from growing at all. The stony ground is someone who shows interest and awareness in the Gospel, yet his heart isn’t fully convicted so that when trouble comes to his faith is not strong enough to stand. The thorny ground is a person who receives the Gospel but who has many other idols and distractions in life – worries, riches, and lusts, which take over his mind and heart and he cannot grow in the truth of God’s Word. The good soil is someone who has heard and received the Word of God and allows it to take root and grow within his life. This person represents true salvation that bears good fruit.
Areas of strength from SIAMs
- Rooted in the parable of the sower, the language of the vision is accessible to all and underpins the work of the school. It enables adults and pupils to grow and flourish together through the way it is lived out in nurturing relationships.
- School leaders determinedly create a culture where pupils and adults are treated well. Pupils and adults are proud to be part of the school welcoming community. Pupils are valued, cared for and known well. The school’s vision maintains a key focus of good mental health and wellbeing. As a result, bespoke provision seeks to provide support for pupils and adults.
- Through the development of a curriculum, tailored to the needs of its community, the school develops its pupils well. Pupils have opportunities to grow and strive for excellence, developing emotionally and academically.
- Collective worship is at the heart of the school. It is inclusive, welcoming and inspires adults and pupils to reflect on their own beliefs and actions and spiritually flourish. Strong links with the local church, clergy and congregations contribute to this rich worship provision.
- The high profile of religious education (RE) ensures that it is carefully planned and offers an engaging curriculum. Pupils are enthusiastic about their leaning and articulate its importance to them.
Areas for development from SIAMs
- Further extend the whole school approach for spiritual development within the curriculum. This is to enrich opportunities for pupils and adults to flourish spiritually.
- Expand opportunities for pupils to think deeply about injustice and global inequality, by engaging them in social action within and beyond their locality. This is to enable them to become agents of social change.